Back the Heroes Rumble: is a 501c3 charity registered in Ohio whose mission is to honor the families of
fallen police, fire, military heroes and provide lifesaving equipment to our first responders aiding in ensuring our heroes make it home safe after every single shift. Website – 2023 Gross Receipts - $109,352 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 83-4125871 |
Warriors Next Adventure: is a 501c3 charity registered in Minnesota whose mission is "Helping Active Military and veterans overcome P.T.S.D. through Recreational Therapy and providing a
24/7 suicide hotline. We will provide experiences to recreate the camaraderie and sense of purpose desired from military veterans while teaching them about Post Traumatic Growth." Website – 2023 Gross Receipts – Under $50,000 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 83-4470178 |
We Defy Foundation: providing combat veterans coping with military connected disabilities a long term means to overcome their challenges through Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and fitness training. Over 1200 Athlete Scholarships granted to veterans.
Website - 2023 Gross Recipts - $950,000 // EIN EIN: 47-4543790 |
Save A Warrior Foundation: is a 501c3 charity registered in Ohio dedicated to the prevention of veteran
suicide and the preservation of life through the development and implementation of a groundbreaking, comprehensive program at their non-profit organization. Website - 2023 Gross Receipts - $ 4,400,000 // EIN 45-5571507 |
Camp Hero KY: is a 501c3 charity registered in Kentucky whose mission is to provide mental health
support activities for veterans and first responders, using the outdoors and nature as the nexus to do so. We are also committed to building tomorrow's heroes, by providing mentorship to children, while introducing them to the outdoors. Website – 2023 Gross Receipts - $286,488 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 84-2809677 |
X-22 Adventures: is a 501c3 charity registered in Florida whose mission is to Help reduce the Suicide rate
of Veterans and Public Safety Personal dealing with pain, PTSD and or Depression. That's done through Social INTERACTIONS in the outdoors with others who have been in their shoes and can show them you can climb out of the deepest darkest hole with just a little help. Website – https:// 2023 Gross Receipts – Under $50,000 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 86-1797081 |
Tristate Face Team: is supporting Fire and EMS personnel in the area of cancer risk reduction, support of
firefighters with cancer and other diseases, research and training. A place where people can go to get information and a network to provide them with any assistance they may need. Website – 2023 Gross Receipts – Under $50,000 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 88-3808099 |
The Shield Ohio: is a 501c3 charity registered in Ohio whose mission is to serve the families of officers
critically injured or killed in the line of duty within the Ohio counties of Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont by providing them with immediate emergency funds and resources. Website – 2023 Gross Receipts - $125,000 // ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION // EIN 13-430188 |